Voltage Tab

On this Tab you will find the following switches, checkboxes, buttons and groups:


Raise Alarm at X off for;

default := 5,5,10,10,10,10%;
Using the up and down arrows you can increase/decrease the % that the alarm should go of for the Voltage selected in the box to the right
. By checking the checkbox infront of the up and down arrows you can turn the alarm on or off for the specific voltage

Enable Voltage Alarm;

default := Checked;
Checking this box will make Motherboard Monitor check the Voltages against the values they should be. For the Core Voltage you enter the value yourself in the Cove Voltage group; the other values (+3.3v, +5v, -5v, +12v and –12v) are fixed. Unchecking this box will cause Motherboard Monitor to never raise an alarm for the Voltages.

Show Warning Message for Voltage Alarm;

default := Checked;
Checking this box will make Motherboard Monitor show you a message when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached. Unchecking this box will make sure you don’t get a message when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached. PC speaker and play Wav will not be avaible if you uncheck this box

Sound PC Speaker for Voltage Alarm;

default := Checked;
Checking this box will make your PC Speaker beep when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached. This option is only available if Show Warning Message is checked.

On Voltage Alarm Run;

default := UnChecked;
Checking this box will make Motherboard Monitor run another program when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached. If you see [none] then this means that no other program has been selected. Click the Select File button to locate the program you want to launch when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached.

Select File;

default := [none];
Clicking on this box will bring up a standard Windows Open dialog box. In this box you can select the File/Program you want to run when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached. Only Executable files can be selected (*.Exe, *.Com, *.Bat). Right click on the filename (if you have on selected) will give you the option to add a switch

On Voltage Alarm Play;

default := UnChecked;
Checking this box will make Motherboard Monitor play a wave when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached. If you see [none] then this means that no wave has been selected. Click the Select Wave button to locate a wave you want to launch when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached. This option will not be avaible if you have the Show Warning Message unchecked.

Select Wave;

default := [none];
Clicking on this box will bring up a standard Windows Open dialog box. In this box you can select the wave you want to play when the Voltage Alarm Settings have been reached. Only waves can be selected (*.wav).


Core0 Voltage;

default := 2.0v;
Using the up and down arrows you can increase/decrease the Core Voltage your 1st (or only) CPU uses. The program uses this value to see if the Core Voltage readout gotten from the LM78, LM78-j, LM79, WinBond W83781D, WinBond W83782D, WinBond W83783S is within the users % selected in the Voltage Alarm group uses this value. Check out this
little list if you don’t know what Core Voltage to enter for your CPU.


Core1 Voltage;

default := 2.0v;
Using the up and down arrows you can increase/decrease the Core Voltage your 2nd CPU uses. The program uses this value to see if the Core Voltage readout gotten from the LM78, LM78-j, LM79, WinBond W83781D, WinBond W83782D, WinBond W83783S is within the users % selected in the Voltage Alarm group uses this value. Check out this
little list if you don’t know what Core Voltage to enter for your CPU.

Use x.x instead of 3.3;

default := 3.3v;
Alows you to adjust MBM to your 3.3 voltage if this is say 3.4 all the time

Voltage and Fan;

Depending on the chip on your board this section may appear or not.

If you have an LM80 then:

default := LM80 - Trenton;
The LM80 voltage ports can be connected in many ways, in this list you can select which type you want to use.

If you have an LM78(j) then:

default := LM78 - Standard;
The LM78 voltage ports for the -5, -12 and +12 are connected diffrently on Epox boards, if your readings on these voltages are off then select LM78 - Epox from the list.